Security challenges in IPv6 from the campus perspective

IPv6, Networking @Oslo, NORDUnet 2012 Conference

Growing number of IPv6 devices in the network would bring new security challenges. Are there any security improvements comparing to IPv4 or IPv6 brings some new security threads. IPv6 have been developed for more than 15 years so far and presentation tries to find the answer if IPv6 provides better security comparing to IPv4. 


Presentation: Download presentation (ppt)


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About the Author

Tomas Podermanski

Works as an backbone network administrator, research developer and PhD student at Brno University of Technology. Participates in several research projects focused on security, monitoring and IPv6. Professional experiences shares as an active member of the European project in the activity GÉAN3 Campus Best Practice.

Tomas PodermanskiSecurity challenges in IPv6 from the campus perspective